What can Mijn diploma’s do for you as an employer
If you want to be sure an applicant or employee obtained a diploma, ask for an extract from Mijn diploma's. Mijn diploma’s is a digital register that houses most Dutch diplomas recognised by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. DUO manages this register. An extract of a diploma is free. Only the holder of the diploma can download it via Mijn DUO.

Example extract from Mijn diploma's
A digital extract is official proof of the diploma. It contains the following information:

Check the extract
A digital extract is official proof of the diploma. It contains the following information:
Frequent discrepancies in falsified extracts

More information on mijndiplomas.nl
Together we make education and development possible
E-mail diplomadiensten@duo.nl Telephone (+31) 50 599 77 78 On business days from 9 am to 12 noon